Tuesday, October 18, 2011

They don't know why they're protesting!

I love cartoons.  From Reddit, so not sure of source.  Tell me, I'll credit.

The scope session is not enabled.

I struggled with an application.cfc that was not giving me a session scope. I was wrongly putting

<cfset this.name = "appname">
<cfset this.sessionmanagement = "yes">

inside of the function onApplicationStart.

Those settings have to be inside of just the component tag as

<cfcomponent disp...

  <cfset this.nam...

    <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" ...

Once I changed it, everything went better than expected.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Record-High 50% of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana

Read this important Gallup Poll concerning the turning tide towards marijuana legalization

What about you?  Does it matter to you?  If it doesn't matter to you, you should just say yes.

According to the poll, if the people with no opinion just said yes, 54% of Americans could vote and change the world.

Reduce the prison population.  Stop the imprisonment of non-violent marijuana offenders.